Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Lifeasaurus Rex

So our life insurance dude asked us what our 10 year plan was today and since we didn't have anything we made stuff up as we went.  It started off responsible and then got increasingly better:

 - Pay off student loans
 - Invest in RRSP's
 - Invest in future children's education
 - Invest in house-plan savings
 - Start a band (Drew)
 - Get published (Nat)
 - Run a bakery in Paris
 - Own a cottage
 - Alternatively, own a European Chalet (especially for writing, once fame as novelist is achieved)
 - When/If pregnant: drive across Canada together

The biggest and best is still Drew's.  If we strike it wildly, madly rich, we buy up an entire apartment building, or perhaps our own street of houses and invite all our friends to live near us rent/mortgage free :)

How's that for 'there goes the neighbourhood' ?  ;-)