Friday, April 23, 2010

Bridesmaids dresses!

Ordered and en route!

I wanted to be one of those "cool" brides that let her bridesmaids pick the style they really liked (and you know, didn't choose a colour that could be observed from space) and happily my girls are not only willing to wear any colour I choose (including those visible to our alien neighbours) but they picked out two of the prettiest dresses EVER.

Maid of Honor's Dress: chosen by my sis Gill

Bridesmaid dress: chosen by my beloved Jenny P.

And yup, those are the colours. I must put up a "crafty" post and share the little place cards I started making by hand in my colours. I have a triad of pink going, deep kind of berry purply pink and then two shades lighter. I think it will make for a nice bouquet and table accents and of course dresses :-)

The room has a lovely light sea-green carpet that I also think a deep pink will look nice with.

I didn't think I'd enjoy picking out colours since I can never decide, I always like them all. But I'm really happy with my choices.

Once finalized I'll include a post with the invite too. I'm very proud of it :-)

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I love shopping around for those little details that say so much at your reception. It starts out fun and creative and everything else to be enjoyed in wedding planning.

For example:

Your thought process if you have read my engagement story will probably look very like mine:

1. O..m..g..! Eiffel Towers! How perfect!
2. On sale for just $1.51 each! Excellent!
3. One hundred and fifty of those will cost me.....wait a second....

Why must everything cost a lot when multiplied by 150?

This is just another reason I dislike math. It joins forces with money and ruins my life.

This time it used the Eiffel Tower.

I might have to spring for these anyway.

So. Awesome.