He has a thousand dazzling little mannerisms I've enjoyed documenting in our time together and I find I look forward to the reoccurrence of each as a charming catch-phrase of lovely nature. Each one another reminding proof of what I love best about him.
Highlights include: a delightful 20's accent he uses when stuck in a huge crowd in the rain and holding my long umbrella . He holds it aloft and declares, "Out of my way shitheads!" and it makes me laugh every single time.
His observation out loud of things occurring right in front of us in tones of such objective honesty that they light up with humour.
The way babies immediately regard him with looks of recognition and adorable shenanigans follow.
Our mutual enjoyment of moments like this one: A guy in front of the Air Canada Centre in a t-shirt with the words "What's going on here?" written on it looking at the large crowd outside the place and declaring "What's going on here?"
However, the rich volley of these delights I enjoy on a daily basis must be continually punctuated by interruption because my future husband....is easily distracted.
Yes the world is a buffet of such distractions:
- nearby conversations (I often here the phrase "Did you hear what that guy was saying!" to which I reply, "Alas, I missed it over the sound of my OWN voice as I talked *to you*!")
- local wildlife (sea gulls flying in slightly more personal arcs than one might expect can derail even the most dramatic of conversations)
- regular noises from the apartment whose volume or location has changed (that creak was in the west wall last week - sorry what were you saying?)
- old men riding barefoot down king street on skateboards (ok this one was genuinely distracting)
Today's treasure came mid-hug and astonished me with its distance. Standing in our kitchen getting a very nice hug when 22 floors down from the window across the street at the lights someone walked by wearing head-to-toe red.
Yes, mid hug the words, "Whoa, that is a lot of red!" greet me and I turn around and struggle to find the source of this distant yet all-powerful distraction.
Happily after this minion of hug destruction was out of visual range I got the other half of my hug. :)